Sunday 16 December 2012

Sinister, Argo and the Walking Dead

There's been loads of new films out lately. Since I last posted anything I went to watch Taken 2, Sinister and Argo and I've watched some films I've never seen before, the best ones being Paranorman, Taken and the Naked Mile. Ive also been watching a lot of the walking dead and a lot of the American Pie films.

First thing I want to mention is American Pie's 'The Naked mile'. I absolutely love the first three film an I thought that band camp was hilarious but I've got to say that i was really disappointed with the Naked Mile. As soon as the characters were introduced I already knew what the ending would be, but seeing as its an American Pie film I thought that it would be hilarious anyway. There were a few funny bits but overall I thought it was a bit to cheesy and a bit to much like a more crappy version of the first film. I think that the main reason I dint like it was that there was no proper Stifler, as there was in the first 4. I thought Eric and his cousin wern't very good characters and I couldn't really get into the film properly. 

Argo was really good. In the final main action scene, I glanced round the cinema and everyone was literally on the edge of their seat. I'd recommend it as its based on real life so is more exciting to watch.

I also thought that the 3rd series of the walking dead was AMAZING! I actually can't wait till February, I don't have a clue what will happen! 

Thanks for reading, I'll try an get in the habbit of posting more often x