Tuesday 16 October 2012

Sherlock, American Pie and a few more!

I really need to get back into the routine of blogging everyday! I haven't done much interesting lately so I haven't much to say now.  Anyway, as its my birthday today my friend bought me the series of Sherlock season 1. Its the BBC 1 TV series with Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman.  Seeing as all my friends are obsessed I need to see what the fuss is about! 

Its basically seems to be about Sherlock and his side kick John Watson solving crimes. Its based in the 21st century  I cant say that I'm a fan of crime dramas and detective programs but its co created by Steven Moffat who wrote Doctor Who so that is what draws me to it. I've watched one random episode before and I really liked it but I was a bit confused as it was mid series and I wasn't sure who the characters where and to be honest I found it really confusing! I don't think that I'm slow but I could hardly keep up! Hopefully watching it from the start, it should be easier to keep up with the storyline. 

Another thing I plan on watching soon is the American Pie films. I've watched the first one and it was absolutely hilarious but I watched it in crap quality so it kind of ruined it. Me and my friend have bought all the films together and plan on watching them soon which I cant wait for! I'm also planning on going watching Taken 2, Sinister and Frankenweenie to as they look really good and I love Tim Burton.

I'll post about my thoughts of them on here once I've watched them, and thank you for reading! :) x 

Saturday 13 October 2012

Resident Evil - Retribution

I went watching resident evil retribution on Tuesday, and I haven't had a minute since to review it! I was really excited to watch this film as I'm a massive fan, even though they get worse every time, I always think that this time it might be different, but it I think it was actually the worst one! I watched it in the cinema in 3D which was an amazing experience, but 3D always gives me a massive headache so that kind of ruined it for me slightly. It looked amazing in 3D. Probably the best thing that I've seen in 3D so far.

I think the problem with the film was the fact that there wasn't a minute where there was fighting, blowing up and people getting killed. I do like a good action film, but I can't cope with that level of it! It just felt like they dragged out the whole film from one small point of the testing area. I absolutely love all the films but I felt like this one was quite pointless. 

This film explained more about the T virus and more about how ruthless the umbrella corporation is. I'm guessing from the end of the film that there will be a 6th one? It seems like it'll be even worse than the 5th though. Alice just keeps getting captured, escaping, then being captured again. I suppose that they've added the twist of Becky, which makes Alice seem less superhuman but I still don't see how they can drag the story line out much longer. 

Anyway , I think it was the worst so far. I like the films as they're zombie films with a decent story line, which is something you don't often see and this film was a just pointless and dragged on to much. I'm also completely in love with Milla Jovovich, an I think she's an amazing action actress. I really liked the scene with her 'family'. It also had a really good soundtrack with it and the fight scenes where amazing, they just didn't stop. I also thought it was quite jumpy compared to the last one. 

I've watched so many zombie films the last few weeks I'm becoming paranoid about a zombie apocalypse.

Thanks for reading! :) x

Sunday 7 October 2012

The Perks of Being a Wallflower - 2012

I went watching the Perks of Being a Wallflower yesterday at the cinema. I know that its a book and all of my friends have read it, I wanted to read the book before I watched the film but I never got round to it. They all said that they don't miss anything for the book out.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower is a drama/romantic film. It doesn't really fit into a specific genre to be honest. Its about a boy called Charlie and him starting high school after being in hospital. He meets Sam and Patrick and the film kicks of from there. Sam is played by Emma Watson and Patrick is played by Ezra Miller. I though Emma Watson did a pretty good job in this film and I stopped thinking of her as Hermione Granger, and I cant say I've stopped thinking of Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter after seeing him in other films, so to me that means she's doing a good job. I don't know why she tried to put on an American accent, they could have just made her English for the film, because her accent was pretty awful. I though Ezra Miller was absolutely gorgeous and Patrick was definitely my favourite character. Even though he was loud and funny he showed a really emotional side and he's an amazing actor and hilarious. 

One of the best things about the film was the music, the Smiths, the Beatles, smashing pumpkins, genesis, U2, Nirvana, Pink Floyd, the list goes on. One of the main songs in the film was David Bowie - Heroes, which is such a great song that I've had on my iPod for ages. 

The film was really emotional. I spent about two thirds of the film crying my eyes out. Which is saying something as I normally try and control my tears at the cinema. I don't want to give away the story, but its sad and happy all at the same time, there's just so many emotions in it. You get so attached to the characters and it seems so real that it makes you feel really emotional. 

I wouldn't say it had a happy ending as Charlie's alone when everyone left senior year, but in a way it is happy. The end song when they where in the tunnel was such an amazing scene. I just want to watch the film all over again! I'd recommend anyone to watch it, no matter what kind of films you're into. Its definitely my new favourite film.

Thanks for reading :) x

Saturday 6 October 2012

The Midnight Beast live - I kicked a tour in the face tour

I went watching the Midnight Beast live on Wednesday the 3rd of October at the academy on there I kicked a tour in the face tour. I've just got to say that they're absolutely amazing live! I loved their parody's on youtube and there old songs are the best. I didn't really like there TV show that much as I didn't think they where great actors but I had bought the tickets before that TV show started. I didn't think there new songs where that great to be honest.

But I've got to say they where great performers live! They had loads of stage presence and seeing as everyone in the audience was a massive fan girl there was such a great atmosphere! They sung loads of old songs such as the tick tock parody that got them famous, plus a lot of there new stuff. 

They had loads of gorgeous dancers and put on a really great show! I'll definitely go and watch them again if I get the chance! It was one of the best gigs I've been to in a while! there was never really a dull moment. 

Plus there absolutely gorgeous in real life. The TV really doesn't show it well enough. They've got so much talent at performing I don't know why they did that TV show. I suppose it really boosted there profile. 

Apart from getting beer thrown all over me and having to wait forever in the queue in the rain, it was one of the best nights I've had for ages. 

Thanks for reading :) x 

Monday 1 October 2012

Green Day - ¡Uno! New album 2012

I know Green Days new album was released on the 24th but I've only listened to it today and I've got to say that I wasn't that impressed. I'm not a massive Green day fan, I have American Idiot and 21st Century breakdown on my ipod but I don't listen to them much any more. But I do still think American Idiot is such an amazing album. Seeing as I was a fan on them a couple of years ago and there's no denying they've made some brilliant songs I thought that I'd give their new album ¡Uno! a listen.

That was when I've found out it's going to be a part of 3 albums, ¡Uno!, ¡Dos!’ and ‘¡TrĂ©! The other two are set to be release in November and January, I don't really see the point in this, they could have released them a bit further apart as more separate albums or just put them together as one, but I suppose they'll get more money releasing them separately.

I've listened to half of the album before I got bored. Every song was like listening to the same  song again. Maybe if I listened to it a few times i might appreciate it more, but Green Day are just getting more and more disappointing

I thought that Nuclear Family was very good but I thought that Kill the DJ stood out as the best on the album. I still don't think its very good and it just seems like the rest of there stuff.

:) x