Tuesday 16 October 2012

Sherlock, American Pie and a few more!

I really need to get back into the routine of blogging everyday! I haven't done much interesting lately so I haven't much to say now.  Anyway, as its my birthday today my friend bought me the series of Sherlock season 1. Its the BBC 1 TV series with Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman.  Seeing as all my friends are obsessed I need to see what the fuss is about! 

Its basically seems to be about Sherlock and his side kick John Watson solving crimes. Its based in the 21st century  I cant say that I'm a fan of crime dramas and detective programs but its co created by Steven Moffat who wrote Doctor Who so that is what draws me to it. I've watched one random episode before and I really liked it but I was a bit confused as it was mid series and I wasn't sure who the characters where and to be honest I found it really confusing! I don't think that I'm slow but I could hardly keep up! Hopefully watching it from the start, it should be easier to keep up with the storyline. 

Another thing I plan on watching soon is the American Pie films. I've watched the first one and it was absolutely hilarious but I watched it in crap quality so it kind of ruined it. Me and my friend have bought all the films together and plan on watching them soon which I cant wait for! I'm also planning on going watching Taken 2, Sinister and Frankenweenie to as they look really good and I love Tim Burton.

I'll post about my thoughts of them on here once I've watched them, and thank you for reading! :) x 

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