Sunday 30 September 2012

Doctor Who - The Angels take Manhattan. Amy and Rory leaving.

Well firstly I've got to say that I think that this episode was absolutely brilliant. It did include some parts that didn't add up, but it made up for that! I was looking forward to this episode so much and I've already done one or two posts about it before it even came on. It definitely lived up to my expectations.

As soon as it started, with the mystery and the detective and the angels I knew it was going to be a great episode. Before the opening had even come on there it had already scared me. They built up the suspense and tension really well and the angels seem like such a classic Doctor Who monster now, and every episode they're in is always great, so I knew that it would be great.

The build up to the Ponds leaving started right at the beginning, the Doctor noticing Amy getting wrinkles round her eyes and starting to wear glasses and him realising that they where ageing. The doctor then threw a bit of tantrum, saying that he hated endings, he seemed to be acting out of character quite a lot in the episode, it was like he knew something would happen. When Rory got sent back in time the episode properly kicked off. That's when they found River. I've said how I didn't like her before but I thought she was bearable in this episode. I think the relationship between her and the doctor is quite cute now when before I thought it was just irritating.

When Rory got thrown to the baby angels I found that bit really creepy, I thought that they where scarier than the grown ones. Especially their laugh which was really freaky. Another part I found scary was when the Doctor, Amy and River rushed out of the building to find Rory, leaving the door open and the old guy woke up to find all the papers blowing everywhere, and just when you saw the realisation that the door was open hit him, he looked up to see the angel stood there.

But the best scene of the episode has got to be when Rory and Amy were on the roof. It was so sad and emotional. Doctor Who is defiantly not aimed at little kids, anyone who watched that episode cant argue with that! It was so sad, and it really showed there love for each other, I think it was one of Rory and Amy's best moments and showed what amazing actors they actually are. 

I was also and emotional wreck when Rory got sent back through time and Amy let the angel take her as there was a slight chance she'd find Rory again. Amy looked do heart broken. I still don't know where that angel came from, I'll have to re-watch it again as that bits annoying me.

I thought the only fault with the episode was that the statue of liberty was an angel. Surely in the whole of Manhattan there must be someone somewhere looking at the statue of liberty at some point and someone would definitely notice if it started walking the streets and also that it wasn't where it should be any more. The episodes with angels in them always have a few parts in them that don't add up though.

But I'll stop being picky. It was an amazing episode, and I really cant wait for Christmas when the next episode is on. 

This will probably be my last Doctor Who post for a while seeing as the series has stopped so thanks for reading :) x

Friday 28 September 2012

Why are there so many photo sharing websites?

My thoughts of today was just thinking today how weird it is how much people are obsessed and rely on the internet when 100 years ago, we managed without it just fine. But I was mainly thinking how we use it. People waste so much time on it, and yeah some of its really useful but some of it is so pointless. 

I'm was only thinking of it today because my mum showed me a website today called Pinterest, its a photo sharing website just like the 100's of others. It made me think of all the other photo sharing websites such as Tumblr, Flickr, photoshop even facebook and twitter and I just thought, what is really the point in them? Yeah you can share photos with your family and friends, but no one really does that they just post pictures of stuff they like, which isn't really the point. Websites such as tumblr, I can just waste hours reblogging photos of cats and no one is interested and no one probably looks but I still do it and somehow it keeps me entertained. There seems to be more and more photo sharing websites these days. If the whole point of them is to share photos with family and friends then shouldn't there be just one big one? But now they're just a way of wasting more of our time and somehow we find it interesting to do. 

I don't usually talk about this kind of thing but its just something I thought of today. We really do waste so much time these days on things that will get us no where in life. 

Thanks for reading :) x

Thursday 27 September 2012

Grave encounters 2 trailer

I watched Grave Encounters about a month ago now. It was released last year and I personally found it scary. I did wrote about it as well on my blog.

Read it If you haven't seen the film and want to get a basic idea of what its like or if you want to know my opinion of the film. Anyway, the other day my friend showed me the trailer for the second film which is set to be released in about 2 weeks (12th October). I was surprised there was going to be a second film, because even though I thought the first was a fairly good film I didn't see how they could make a follow on without dragging out the storyline to much.

After watching the trailer I've got to say that I'm disappointed and not surprised that's the route they've gone down for the sequel. I previously said that Grave Encounters has no originality when I first wrote about it. It was a typical horror movie, and after watching the trailer for the second film, once again it has no originality. It still might be good like the first one, but to be honest I think the first one only got away with it as it was the jumpi-ess that made it scary, I could watch it again without being scared at all. So I think the second wont be scary, it looks as if its just got the same scares in as the first one. 

The films follows the typical horror film sequel story line. 'But what if it wasn't just a movie?'  A group of kids go and try and find out whether or not the film was true or not, they find the hospital, it is true, the ghosts get them, most predictable story line ever. These kind of films really annoy me, such as the second human centipede which is a film where the guy becomes obsessed with the film. Films like these are created to try an scare an audience who don't really get scared of any film as now a days we know they aren't real, so they try and make it as real as possible, but i think that it makes the films less scary.

When the film is out I will watch it, but more to prove my point that I think it'll be crap more than anything. 

That's the trailer so you can see for yourself.

Thanks for reading :) x

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Amy and Rory in the Angels take Manhattan theory

Even though I was talking about Doctor Who theory's yesterday I'm going to write about Doctor Who  again today. I might be getting a bit obsessed but its the final episode this week so there's a lot to talk about. There's a big theory going round that Rory and Amy will die in this episode. Steven Moffat said in an article for the guardian.

"Amy and Rory will leave in the fifth [episode] that goes out," said Moffat. "It will be a final encounter with the angels and not everybody gets out alive – and I mean it this time."

Seeing as the episode is about angels then I'm guessing that the angels send them back in time, but then the Doctor could just go and get them? There's also a theory that they go back in time and get there baby back before she grows up, but I think that ones unlikely.

I don't think Amy and Rory won't die for reasons that I said in my last post,

I hope they don't I think it would be to sad and I like a happy ending! I really can't wait for the final episode and I can't wait for the Christmas episode. One thing that I read in the article was that theirs only going to be 8 episodes with the new companion. In the old episodes, like the David Tennant episodes there used to be about 13 episodes now there's only 8! Its making me think that they're going to stop the series soon. I really hope they don't!

Anyway thank you for reading and try to stop talking about Doctor Who theory's which probably aren't true :) x 

Monday 24 September 2012

Doctor Who - The Angels take Manhattan finale

As a massive Doctor Who fan I always hate it when a companion leaves but I'm also excited as its always interesting when there's a new one. Amy and Rory are going to leave on Saturday! They where  good companions and a really great couple. I love how they've brought Rory's dad into the episodes as I think he's a great character! He reminds me of Donna's grandad Wilf in the way that he's completely in awe of the Doctor and listens to him every word. 

The recent episodes are definitely leading up to the Ponds leaving. It started leading up to their departure in Pond Life and in recent episodes they have been talking about choosing a life, normal life or Doctor life. I think they've added Rory's dad as a character in it to make the Ponds seem like a normal couple with families and jobs and separate lives away from the Doctor whereas in past series's it never showed there life on earth very much. I really like how the ponds still seem like a normal couple as some of the companions such as Martha turn into completely different people after they have travelled with the Doctor.

In the most recent episode, The Power of Three, you can sort of see the Ponds getting tired of travelling with the Doctor and wanted to lead a normal married life, which is something the Doctor can't get his head round. It nice to know that the ponds leave because they want to and not because they die or anything but it also ruins the surprise a bit. I suppose they could die in a weird twist but then it would make all these build up episodes pointless.

I thought the Power of Three was a pretty average episode as I don't feel like the problem with the cubes wasn't solved very well it felt like a rushed storyline when you could tell that the main focus of the episode was Rory and Amy realising that they should leave the Doctor life. I think they shouldn't have included the storyline of the cubes and just let the focus of the episode be on Rory, Amy and the Doctor, but its Doctor Who and they always need aliens of some sort. I think that it was a completely pointless episode and the worst one in a while.

I can't wait for next weeks episode and the angels are back in Manhattan. They seem to be appearing in every series and are turning into a classic Doctor Who monster. II think it'll be a good episode apart from the fact that its got Riversong in it. I really don't think shes a very good character and I think that she doesn't add anything to the episodes at all. 

This is the trailer for the final episode, The angels take Manhattan.

The only sad bit will be Amy and Rory leaving. They aren't my favourite companions but I'll still be sad to see them go.

Thanks for reading :) x

Rise of the Planet of the Apes 2011

I know that this film came out last year but I've not watched it until the other day and I've got to say I  was blown away by it. To be honest one of the main reasons I wanted to watch it was because it had Tom Felton in it and I think he's a great actor (he played Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter). He was once again playing a horrible character, which he seems to do so well. I'm so glad i watched it in the end as its one of the best films I've seen all year and I watch a lot of films!

I think that it sticks out as such an amazing film because its really emotional but not in an obvious way. When they capture the apes from the wild and take them to be tested on it seems really real and its awful to think that that actually happens in real life. Its so sad and even though the film is from the humans point of view you still go on the apes side and see the humans as the bad guys, you can see its so unfair.

The plot of the film is that a scientist Will is trying to create a cure for Alzheimer's as his dad is suffering from it. They're testing the drug on chimps that they've taken from the wild. One of the chimps escapes and causes chaos at the lab and Will's boss cancels the research and has all of the apes put down. One baby ape survives and Will takes it home to save it. He realises the apes intelligents and keeps it and becomes a father figure. They have an amazing bond but you can't keep a growing ape in a house forever and soon Caeser's natural instincts kick in. The film really kicks off from there. 

Throughout the whole film, even though its a film, I couldn't stop thinking how bad the human race is to anything that isn't human. Yea the apes had there intelligent boosted in the film so seemed more human, but even when they don't they still are nearest to humans than any other animal and things like the ape sanctuary and the way they just took them from the wild was just awful and its just so bad that people treat animals like that. But I'll stop talking about animal rights as this is getting to deep for a film review.

I think that all the acting was amazing and there seemed to be a proper relationship between all of the characters and Caeser felt like a real person, throughout the whole film I just wanted there to be a happy ending, which in a way there sort of was. 

This film will stay in my memory a long time as I think it was amazingly made, everything about it was perfectly done and I will definitely re watch it and recommend it.

I haven't posted anything in my in about a week now because I haven't really had a minute. Seeing as life seems to have settled down a bit I will definitely try to post everyday again, or at least 3 or 4 times a week. I've not posted anything about all of the recent episodes of Doctor who which I've got a lot to say about and also a lot of other stuff which is going round my head and I'll carry on doing more film reviews.

So thanks for reading :) x

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Total Recall 2012

I watched Total Recall yesterday at the cinema, not having a clue what it was, I'd seen the trailer and didn't think it looked that original, but when I went watching the film I didn't actually realise it was the film to that particular trailer because I couldn't remember what film that trailer was advertising, and when I saw the scene from the trailer I couldn't be bothered watching that type of film. But I've got to say I'm very glad I went watching it! 

Total Recall is a remake of the 1990's version which features Arnold Schwarzenegger. I've not seen this film but after watching the remake I'll defiantly watch it at some point as its meant to be better, which the original films normally are.

Total Recall is about a guy called Douglas who is just a normal guy living in a time when the only habitable places on the planet earth are Britain and Australia (the colony). There is a lot of tension between the two places as the population keeps growing. They're connected by a gravity elevator called 'the fall' which the colony protests against. I think this is an amazing idea, I know its a only a film but it would be amazing to just shoot down the middle of the earth to Australia just for a few hours. Doug works in Britain but lives in the colony with his wife Lori. After countless nights of strange dreams, Doug decides to visit Rekall, where they can plant fake memories in your head. He chooses to become a spy, and then realises the truth about himself, and the film really kicks of from there.

I think this is a great film! I loved all of the special effects they really added to the plot. I think the special effects where great and the script was pretty good for an action film, seeing as they normally don't seem to put much effort scripts and just throw a load of explosions into the film. It stood out from other action films I've watched as the main character didn't really have a clue who he was meant to be throughout the whole film and it added some more interest to it. 

I also really loved the ending, there was a few twist in the ending but they all worked out for the best. To be honest action films always have happy endings. I think the main reason I enjoyed it was the Sci-fi element it had. Flying cars and the phones in their hands where all great. I love futuristic films and Total Recall was a typical version of what people predict future to be like, a polluted earth and an army's of robots. I hope that our planet never turns out like that. 

If you like action, adventure, sci-fi films or have seen the original film, then I'd recommend to definitely watch this film.

Just to say that I will try and post something more than once a week from now on, my life's just been very busy at the moment so I've not had time.

Thanks for reading:)x

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Tumblr rant

There's no big news happening at the minute and not much interesting happening anywhere, so I think I'll just write about whats going on through my head.

Lately I've had more for free time for some reason so I've been spending a lot more time on the Internet. I go on tumblr, twitter and Facebook most often and to be honest they all irritate me so I honestly don't know why I bother. Facebook has always annoyed me but I usually love tumblr. Tumblr seemed like somewhere where you can post what you want without people judging you and bothering you and you can find out new stuff that might interest you and you can socialise. I used to go on tumblr quite a lot but, lately its started annoy me a LOT. Its all about being 'tumblr famous' getting followers and 'promo's. I'll go on there and two thirds of my Dashboard will be promo,promo,promo. It never used to be like that!

The point of tumblr is to 'Post text, photos, quotes, links, music, and videos from your browser, phone, desktop, email or wherever you happen to be.' basically something like facebook but you can remain anonymous. Its just something to fill your time up with so I don't see the need to fill up my time reading all the promo games. Its actually putting me off tumblr so much! I don't think they should show people how many followers they have, then maybe people would shut up.

Theres a new episode of Doctor who on on Saturday so I'll be looking at the trailer again tomorrow and writing about it. 

Thanks for reading :) x

Monday 3 September 2012

Modern life just needs to relax!

This isn't really relevant to anything Ive posted before, seeing as I normally post about TV and films and stuff like that and this is kind of the opposite of that in a way.

My friend send me a link to a website today and in a way it has made me rethink a lot of stuff about modern life. You can just type anything that's bothering you into a box and you feel like you're telling someone your problem without them judging you. Yeh that does sound stupid, but it really does lift the weight of your shoulders after a long day.

I would really recommend it to anyone who is stressed out or just needs to take a break from phones, emails, socialising, friends, family, anything really. 

Its so true that nowadays everything is all about technology and socialising and likes on facebook. Its fine really but it can get stressful being on your phone 24/7 and always feeling like you have to there for everyone when everyone needs you. I cant think of anything better than just leaving my phone at home somewhere and going out. But then I'd have missed calls, texts, notifications and always be thinking 'what if I'm missing something important on my phone'. People have lived for 1000's of years without phones and to be honest they got along just fine! I know technology is very important in modern life, and I cant say I don't use it, I have most social networking sites, I think its great I can keep in contact with people from high school and I'm on my phone all day everyday texting people, but it would be nice to have a break

Some people will say this isn't true for them, you'll say you don't need technology, but next time you're on a train/bus station anywhere crowded, just look out the window at people passing by and EVERYONE will be on their phone/ipad/laptop, its actually unreal.

Its just nice to be able to chill once in a while. Some people will find the quiet place a stupid idea, but, for me it really works. I think everyone should try it out. Its stupid that I'm posting this on the Internet where most people are obsessed with technology, socialising and what's going on in the world. But the people reading it will be the ones that need to de-stress the most and I think will benefit from it.

This is the most pointless post ever, but thank you for reading :) x

Sunday 2 September 2012

Doctor Who - The asylum of the Daleks.

Well I have to say that this episode has definitely lived up to my expectations! It was exactly the kind of start to a series that i would have wanted. I loved how the adventure started straight away with everyone being kidnapped by the Daleks. Seeing as I had watched Pond life, seeing the ponds divorce papers didn't surprise me but it was still shocking because they're such a great couple. As I said in a Pond Life review the reason for them splitting up could be something to do with the Doctor, but I think it was a great moment in the episode where Amy tells the Doctor that there is nothing he can do to solve this. But of course this is the Doctor so he always manages to.

For a children's program this episode was fair scary, exspecially the part with the dead people on the crashed spaceship turning into Daleks. My 6 year old brother was absolutely terrified of the 'skeletetons'. I think it was really creepy how staying on the planet to long turned you into sort of a human Dalek, and it was a great moment when Rory tried to give Amy his bracelet and they managed to finally get back together. I think its a great idea of a Dalek Asylum and to be honest I cant think of a worse place to crash a spaceship.

The best bit about the episode was seeing Jenna-Louise Coleman (the new companion) for the first time. I did absolutely not expect her to be a Dalek when the Doctor went to rescue her and it was a complete shock and actually really sad. I've heard people say that she didn't act well during that part but I personally think she did a great job! It was also really strange hearing a Dalek cry.

I don't understand if the Daleks will remember the Doctor ever again, I don't like the idea of that and I think that it has made all other Dalek episodes pointless. I do think that it was great how the Daleks in 'intensive care' in the asylum where the ones who the Doctor had defeated, and its mad that something like a Dalek could go mad. 

I think it was a great episode and I really can't wait for next weeks, and also for when Oswin (Jenna-Louise Coleman) becomes the new companion. 

Thanks for reading:) x