Monday 3 September 2012

Modern life just needs to relax!

This isn't really relevant to anything Ive posted before, seeing as I normally post about TV and films and stuff like that and this is kind of the opposite of that in a way.

My friend send me a link to a website today and in a way it has made me rethink a lot of stuff about modern life. You can just type anything that's bothering you into a box and you feel like you're telling someone your problem without them judging you. Yeh that does sound stupid, but it really does lift the weight of your shoulders after a long day.

I would really recommend it to anyone who is stressed out or just needs to take a break from phones, emails, socialising, friends, family, anything really. 

Its so true that nowadays everything is all about technology and socialising and likes on facebook. Its fine really but it can get stressful being on your phone 24/7 and always feeling like you have to there for everyone when everyone needs you. I cant think of anything better than just leaving my phone at home somewhere and going out. But then I'd have missed calls, texts, notifications and always be thinking 'what if I'm missing something important on my phone'. People have lived for 1000's of years without phones and to be honest they got along just fine! I know technology is very important in modern life, and I cant say I don't use it, I have most social networking sites, I think its great I can keep in contact with people from high school and I'm on my phone all day everyday texting people, but it would be nice to have a break

Some people will say this isn't true for them, you'll say you don't need technology, but next time you're on a train/bus station anywhere crowded, just look out the window at people passing by and EVERYONE will be on their phone/ipad/laptop, its actually unreal.

Its just nice to be able to chill once in a while. Some people will find the quiet place a stupid idea, but, for me it really works. I think everyone should try it out. Its stupid that I'm posting this on the Internet where most people are obsessed with technology, socialising and what's going on in the world. But the people reading it will be the ones that need to de-stress the most and I think will benefit from it.

This is the most pointless post ever, but thank you for reading :) x

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