Wednesday 12 September 2012

Total Recall 2012

I watched Total Recall yesterday at the cinema, not having a clue what it was, I'd seen the trailer and didn't think it looked that original, but when I went watching the film I didn't actually realise it was the film to that particular trailer because I couldn't remember what film that trailer was advertising, and when I saw the scene from the trailer I couldn't be bothered watching that type of film. But I've got to say I'm very glad I went watching it! 

Total Recall is a remake of the 1990's version which features Arnold Schwarzenegger. I've not seen this film but after watching the remake I'll defiantly watch it at some point as its meant to be better, which the original films normally are.

Total Recall is about a guy called Douglas who is just a normal guy living in a time when the only habitable places on the planet earth are Britain and Australia (the colony). There is a lot of tension between the two places as the population keeps growing. They're connected by a gravity elevator called 'the fall' which the colony protests against. I think this is an amazing idea, I know its a only a film but it would be amazing to just shoot down the middle of the earth to Australia just for a few hours. Doug works in Britain but lives in the colony with his wife Lori. After countless nights of strange dreams, Doug decides to visit Rekall, where they can plant fake memories in your head. He chooses to become a spy, and then realises the truth about himself, and the film really kicks of from there.

I think this is a great film! I loved all of the special effects they really added to the plot. I think the special effects where great and the script was pretty good for an action film, seeing as they normally don't seem to put much effort scripts and just throw a load of explosions into the film. It stood out from other action films I've watched as the main character didn't really have a clue who he was meant to be throughout the whole film and it added some more interest to it. 

I also really loved the ending, there was a few twist in the ending but they all worked out for the best. To be honest action films always have happy endings. I think the main reason I enjoyed it was the Sci-fi element it had. Flying cars and the phones in their hands where all great. I love futuristic films and Total Recall was a typical version of what people predict future to be like, a polluted earth and an army's of robots. I hope that our planet never turns out like that. 

If you like action, adventure, sci-fi films or have seen the original film, then I'd recommend to definitely watch this film.

Just to say that I will try and post something more than once a week from now on, my life's just been very busy at the moment so I've not had time.

Thanks for reading:)x