Friday 28 September 2012

Why are there so many photo sharing websites?

My thoughts of today was just thinking today how weird it is how much people are obsessed and rely on the internet when 100 years ago, we managed without it just fine. But I was mainly thinking how we use it. People waste so much time on it, and yeah some of its really useful but some of it is so pointless. 

I'm was only thinking of it today because my mum showed me a website today called Pinterest, its a photo sharing website just like the 100's of others. It made me think of all the other photo sharing websites such as Tumblr, Flickr, photoshop even facebook and twitter and I just thought, what is really the point in them? Yeah you can share photos with your family and friends, but no one really does that they just post pictures of stuff they like, which isn't really the point. Websites such as tumblr, I can just waste hours reblogging photos of cats and no one is interested and no one probably looks but I still do it and somehow it keeps me entertained. There seems to be more and more photo sharing websites these days. If the whole point of them is to share photos with family and friends then shouldn't there be just one big one? But now they're just a way of wasting more of our time and somehow we find it interesting to do. 

I don't usually talk about this kind of thing but its just something I thought of today. We really do waste so much time these days on things that will get us no where in life. 

Thanks for reading :) x

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