Wednesday 26 September 2012

Amy and Rory in the Angels take Manhattan theory

Even though I was talking about Doctor Who theory's yesterday I'm going to write about Doctor Who  again today. I might be getting a bit obsessed but its the final episode this week so there's a lot to talk about. There's a big theory going round that Rory and Amy will die in this episode. Steven Moffat said in an article for the guardian.

"Amy and Rory will leave in the fifth [episode] that goes out," said Moffat. "It will be a final encounter with the angels and not everybody gets out alive – and I mean it this time."

Seeing as the episode is about angels then I'm guessing that the angels send them back in time, but then the Doctor could just go and get them? There's also a theory that they go back in time and get there baby back before she grows up, but I think that ones unlikely.

I don't think Amy and Rory won't die for reasons that I said in my last post,

I hope they don't I think it would be to sad and I like a happy ending! I really can't wait for the final episode and I can't wait for the Christmas episode. One thing that I read in the article was that theirs only going to be 8 episodes with the new companion. In the old episodes, like the David Tennant episodes there used to be about 13 episodes now there's only 8! Its making me think that they're going to stop the series soon. I really hope they don't!

Anyway thank you for reading and try to stop talking about Doctor Who theory's which probably aren't true :) x 


  1. Episodes 6-13 comprise the second half of Series 7. Fiftieth anniversary specials later in 2013, then Series 8 in 2014. This according to a Moff interview.

  2. Ah right, at least its a full series then
