Sunday 30 September 2012

Doctor Who - The Angels take Manhattan. Amy and Rory leaving.

Well firstly I've got to say that I think that this episode was absolutely brilliant. It did include some parts that didn't add up, but it made up for that! I was looking forward to this episode so much and I've already done one or two posts about it before it even came on. It definitely lived up to my expectations.

As soon as it started, with the mystery and the detective and the angels I knew it was going to be a great episode. Before the opening had even come on there it had already scared me. They built up the suspense and tension really well and the angels seem like such a classic Doctor Who monster now, and every episode they're in is always great, so I knew that it would be great.

The build up to the Ponds leaving started right at the beginning, the Doctor noticing Amy getting wrinkles round her eyes and starting to wear glasses and him realising that they where ageing. The doctor then threw a bit of tantrum, saying that he hated endings, he seemed to be acting out of character quite a lot in the episode, it was like he knew something would happen. When Rory got sent back in time the episode properly kicked off. That's when they found River. I've said how I didn't like her before but I thought she was bearable in this episode. I think the relationship between her and the doctor is quite cute now when before I thought it was just irritating.

When Rory got thrown to the baby angels I found that bit really creepy, I thought that they where scarier than the grown ones. Especially their laugh which was really freaky. Another part I found scary was when the Doctor, Amy and River rushed out of the building to find Rory, leaving the door open and the old guy woke up to find all the papers blowing everywhere, and just when you saw the realisation that the door was open hit him, he looked up to see the angel stood there.

But the best scene of the episode has got to be when Rory and Amy were on the roof. It was so sad and emotional. Doctor Who is defiantly not aimed at little kids, anyone who watched that episode cant argue with that! It was so sad, and it really showed there love for each other, I think it was one of Rory and Amy's best moments and showed what amazing actors they actually are. 

I was also and emotional wreck when Rory got sent back through time and Amy let the angel take her as there was a slight chance she'd find Rory again. Amy looked do heart broken. I still don't know where that angel came from, I'll have to re-watch it again as that bits annoying me.

I thought the only fault with the episode was that the statue of liberty was an angel. Surely in the whole of Manhattan there must be someone somewhere looking at the statue of liberty at some point and someone would definitely notice if it started walking the streets and also that it wasn't where it should be any more. The episodes with angels in them always have a few parts in them that don't add up though.

But I'll stop being picky. It was an amazing episode, and I really cant wait for Christmas when the next episode is on. 

This will probably be my last Doctor Who post for a while seeing as the series has stopped so thanks for reading :) x

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