Thursday 27 September 2012

Grave encounters 2 trailer

I watched Grave Encounters about a month ago now. It was released last year and I personally found it scary. I did wrote about it as well on my blog.

Read it If you haven't seen the film and want to get a basic idea of what its like or if you want to know my opinion of the film. Anyway, the other day my friend showed me the trailer for the second film which is set to be released in about 2 weeks (12th October). I was surprised there was going to be a second film, because even though I thought the first was a fairly good film I didn't see how they could make a follow on without dragging out the storyline to much.

After watching the trailer I've got to say that I'm disappointed and not surprised that's the route they've gone down for the sequel. I previously said that Grave Encounters has no originality when I first wrote about it. It was a typical horror movie, and after watching the trailer for the second film, once again it has no originality. It still might be good like the first one, but to be honest I think the first one only got away with it as it was the jumpi-ess that made it scary, I could watch it again without being scared at all. So I think the second wont be scary, it looks as if its just got the same scares in as the first one. 

The films follows the typical horror film sequel story line. 'But what if it wasn't just a movie?'  A group of kids go and try and find out whether or not the film was true or not, they find the hospital, it is true, the ghosts get them, most predictable story line ever. These kind of films really annoy me, such as the second human centipede which is a film where the guy becomes obsessed with the film. Films like these are created to try an scare an audience who don't really get scared of any film as now a days we know they aren't real, so they try and make it as real as possible, but i think that it makes the films less scary.

When the film is out I will watch it, but more to prove my point that I think it'll be crap more than anything. 

That's the trailer so you can see for yourself.

Thanks for reading :) x