Wednesday 5 September 2012

Tumblr rant

There's no big news happening at the minute and not much interesting happening anywhere, so I think I'll just write about whats going on through my head.

Lately I've had more for free time for some reason so I've been spending a lot more time on the Internet. I go on tumblr, twitter and Facebook most often and to be honest they all irritate me so I honestly don't know why I bother. Facebook has always annoyed me but I usually love tumblr. Tumblr seemed like somewhere where you can post what you want without people judging you and bothering you and you can find out new stuff that might interest you and you can socialise. I used to go on tumblr quite a lot but, lately its started annoy me a LOT. Its all about being 'tumblr famous' getting followers and 'promo's. I'll go on there and two thirds of my Dashboard will be promo,promo,promo. It never used to be like that!

The point of tumblr is to 'Post text, photos, quotes, links, music, and videos from your browser, phone, desktop, email or wherever you happen to be.' basically something like facebook but you can remain anonymous. Its just something to fill your time up with so I don't see the need to fill up my time reading all the promo games. Its actually putting me off tumblr so much! I don't think they should show people how many followers they have, then maybe people would shut up.

Theres a new episode of Doctor who on on Saturday so I'll be looking at the trailer again tomorrow and writing about it. 

Thanks for reading :) x

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