Sunday 2 September 2012

Doctor Who - The asylum of the Daleks.

Well I have to say that this episode has definitely lived up to my expectations! It was exactly the kind of start to a series that i would have wanted. I loved how the adventure started straight away with everyone being kidnapped by the Daleks. Seeing as I had watched Pond life, seeing the ponds divorce papers didn't surprise me but it was still shocking because they're such a great couple. As I said in a Pond Life review the reason for them splitting up could be something to do with the Doctor, but I think it was a great moment in the episode where Amy tells the Doctor that there is nothing he can do to solve this. But of course this is the Doctor so he always manages to.

For a children's program this episode was fair scary, exspecially the part with the dead people on the crashed spaceship turning into Daleks. My 6 year old brother was absolutely terrified of the 'skeletetons'. I think it was really creepy how staying on the planet to long turned you into sort of a human Dalek, and it was a great moment when Rory tried to give Amy his bracelet and they managed to finally get back together. I think its a great idea of a Dalek Asylum and to be honest I cant think of a worse place to crash a spaceship.

The best bit about the episode was seeing Jenna-Louise Coleman (the new companion) for the first time. I did absolutely not expect her to be a Dalek when the Doctor went to rescue her and it was a complete shock and actually really sad. I've heard people say that she didn't act well during that part but I personally think she did a great job! It was also really strange hearing a Dalek cry.

I don't understand if the Daleks will remember the Doctor ever again, I don't like the idea of that and I think that it has made all other Dalek episodes pointless. I do think that it was great how the Daleks in 'intensive care' in the asylum where the ones who the Doctor had defeated, and its mad that something like a Dalek could go mad. 

I think it was a great episode and I really can't wait for next weeks, and also for when Oswin (Jenna-Louise Coleman) becomes the new companion. 

Thanks for reading:) x

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