Monday 24 September 2012

Doctor Who - The Angels take Manhattan finale

As a massive Doctor Who fan I always hate it when a companion leaves but I'm also excited as its always interesting when there's a new one. Amy and Rory are going to leave on Saturday! They where  good companions and a really great couple. I love how they've brought Rory's dad into the episodes as I think he's a great character! He reminds me of Donna's grandad Wilf in the way that he's completely in awe of the Doctor and listens to him every word. 

The recent episodes are definitely leading up to the Ponds leaving. It started leading up to their departure in Pond Life and in recent episodes they have been talking about choosing a life, normal life or Doctor life. I think they've added Rory's dad as a character in it to make the Ponds seem like a normal couple with families and jobs and separate lives away from the Doctor whereas in past series's it never showed there life on earth very much. I really like how the ponds still seem like a normal couple as some of the companions such as Martha turn into completely different people after they have travelled with the Doctor.

In the most recent episode, The Power of Three, you can sort of see the Ponds getting tired of travelling with the Doctor and wanted to lead a normal married life, which is something the Doctor can't get his head round. It nice to know that the ponds leave because they want to and not because they die or anything but it also ruins the surprise a bit. I suppose they could die in a weird twist but then it would make all these build up episodes pointless.

I thought the Power of Three was a pretty average episode as I don't feel like the problem with the cubes wasn't solved very well it felt like a rushed storyline when you could tell that the main focus of the episode was Rory and Amy realising that they should leave the Doctor life. I think they shouldn't have included the storyline of the cubes and just let the focus of the episode be on Rory, Amy and the Doctor, but its Doctor Who and they always need aliens of some sort. I think that it was a completely pointless episode and the worst one in a while.

I can't wait for next weeks episode and the angels are back in Manhattan. They seem to be appearing in every series and are turning into a classic Doctor Who monster. II think it'll be a good episode apart from the fact that its got Riversong in it. I really don't think shes a very good character and I think that she doesn't add anything to the episodes at all. 

This is the trailer for the final episode, The angels take Manhattan.

The only sad bit will be Amy and Rory leaving. They aren't my favourite companions but I'll still be sad to see them go.

Thanks for reading :) x

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