Monday 24 September 2012

Rise of the Planet of the Apes 2011

I know that this film came out last year but I've not watched it until the other day and I've got to say I  was blown away by it. To be honest one of the main reasons I wanted to watch it was because it had Tom Felton in it and I think he's a great actor (he played Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter). He was once again playing a horrible character, which he seems to do so well. I'm so glad i watched it in the end as its one of the best films I've seen all year and I watch a lot of films!

I think that it sticks out as such an amazing film because its really emotional but not in an obvious way. When they capture the apes from the wild and take them to be tested on it seems really real and its awful to think that that actually happens in real life. Its so sad and even though the film is from the humans point of view you still go on the apes side and see the humans as the bad guys, you can see its so unfair.

The plot of the film is that a scientist Will is trying to create a cure for Alzheimer's as his dad is suffering from it. They're testing the drug on chimps that they've taken from the wild. One of the chimps escapes and causes chaos at the lab and Will's boss cancels the research and has all of the apes put down. One baby ape survives and Will takes it home to save it. He realises the apes intelligents and keeps it and becomes a father figure. They have an amazing bond but you can't keep a growing ape in a house forever and soon Caeser's natural instincts kick in. The film really kicks off from there. 

Throughout the whole film, even though its a film, I couldn't stop thinking how bad the human race is to anything that isn't human. Yea the apes had there intelligent boosted in the film so seemed more human, but even when they don't they still are nearest to humans than any other animal and things like the ape sanctuary and the way they just took them from the wild was just awful and its just so bad that people treat animals like that. But I'll stop talking about animal rights as this is getting to deep for a film review.

I think that all the acting was amazing and there seemed to be a proper relationship between all of the characters and Caeser felt like a real person, throughout the whole film I just wanted there to be a happy ending, which in a way there sort of was. 

This film will stay in my memory a long time as I think it was amazingly made, everything about it was perfectly done and I will definitely re watch it and recommend it.

I haven't posted anything in my in about a week now because I haven't really had a minute. Seeing as life seems to have settled down a bit I will definitely try to post everyday again, or at least 3 or 4 times a week. I've not posted anything about all of the recent episodes of Doctor who which I've got a lot to say about and also a lot of other stuff which is going round my head and I'll carry on doing more film reviews.

So thanks for reading :) x

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