Friday 31 August 2012

Pond Life part 5, Doctor Who mini series.

The final  Pond Life part 5 was on to today, I'd been looking forward to this one all week as it thought it would lead onto the new series and maybe explain about why Rory and Amy went back travelling with the Doctor again, and also it is absolutely crazy how they managed to make such an amazing little episode with so much story in it in just one minute and thirty three seconds.

It starts out with the Doctor making a phone call to the Ponds, just like normal, this time in August, 5 months after the first phone call we see, when the Ponds where a happily married couple. The Doctor starts the phone call talking about his latest adventures, how he has dropped the Ood back home, riding a horse through 11th century Coventry and inventing pasta, typical Doctor stuff. He then tells them he has popped round but they where out, you can see this bothers him slightly and he's worried about the Ponds. You then see a clip of them arguing. I saw a gif on Tumbr the other day of the Ponds talking about divorce and I didn't think it could be true. You see what looks like Amy throwing Rory out. The Doctor then deletes the message and Amy comes home and prays for the Doctors help.

I thought think its a great episode and actually suprisingly emotional seeing as its a TV series, shows how attached im getting to Rory and Amy. Also it really does lead nicely into the new series. I'm guessing Rory and Amy go back travelling with the Doctor to repair their marriage? That's probably the main reason for Pond life so there's some build up to this story line. The Doctor will be able to repair there marriage, its just going to be interesting to see how the Doctor manages a normal human problem like this rather than some alien trying to kill him.

I also think its going to be interesting to see why Rory and Amy's marriage isn't working and whether it could be related to the Doctor. If after travelling through all of space and time they where getting bored with of normal domestic life and this has something to with them breaking up?

I can't wait for tomorrow's episode and will definitely be talking about it tomorrow! Thanks for reading:) x

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