Thursday 30 August 2012

Pond Life part 4, Doctor Who mini series

This is nearly the last episode of the mini series Pond Life, so I'm guessing that everyone is wondering what the conclusion will be but also wondering why there is an Ood living in the Pond house... hopefully this episode will clear it up.

In part 4 you find out that the Ood belongs to the Doctor, who was giving him a lift back to his planet or something, which isn't surprising of the Doctor to be honest. The Doctor doesn't explain how the Ood got from the Tardis to the Ponds bathroom but then again the Doctor never does explain everything.  In the episode the Ood ends up helping the Ponds day to day life, making their beds, their breakfast, putting out the washing, Rory's lunchbox, and all the other things you expect and alien to do when it comes to visit. Basically becoming their free alien butler.

The Doctor then says that he'll come and pick the Ood up. Seeing as Oods are fairly boring aliens as far as Doctor Who aliens go (apart from the occasional episodes where they turn evil, which there seems to have been a fair few Doctor Who episodes about) I doubt this Ood is going to play a starring role in the next series and is probably just in the Pond life episodes.

I really like this episode. It was slightly longer than any other so far which gave the story more time to develop. Also it was strange seeing a common Doctor Who monster in a normal, human environment rather than in a spaceship 100's of years in the future. It also one again showed that Rory and Amy are struggling to leave the Doctor/ time travelling days behind them. Maybe they don't want to? Its all clues as to why they go back travelling with him, and maybe see what will be happening in the new series.

Seeing as this  is the second to last episode, it will hopefully lead in nicely to the new series, and maybe explain the reason why Rory and Amy go back travelling with the Doctor. Pond Life is definitely doing its job of reminding me of the characters and making me look forward more to the new series!

I didn't intent to do a Pond Life post everyday but as I seem to have been doing that I'll do one tomorrow night and the review the Doctor Who episode on Saturday night or Sunday night depending on whether I have time.

Thanks for reading :) x

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