Monday 27 August 2012

The Doctor Who mini series, Pond Life.

The new series of Doctor Who starts this weekend and there is going to be a mini series on the web called Pond Life every night this week so obviously I really couldn't wait to watch it.  But I was expecting it to last more than 55 seconds...

Anyway the point of Pond Life is so that the audience can take a look at Rory and Amy's life whilst they're not in the Tardis and how they adjust to normal life, the idea that they're trying to have a nice, normal married life and the Doctor keeps trying to show them all of space and time, which is probably quite tempting. I think Pond Life is a really good idea. If you are a fan of Doctor Who but don't watch repeats of the episodes then it can remind you of the characters and can make you look forward to the new series. Also if you are a fan like me who re watches repeats all the time then its an extra new Doctor Who episodes and you cant get better than that.

The first mini episode is the Doctor talking to the ponds in what sounds like a recorded message (later you find out its a voice call) and he seems to be with what looks like the Sontarans at the start showing that he is still fighting aliens on his own. Even the mini episode is funny and it reminds you how mad the Doctor really is. The shot of him back in the Tardis which makes me really excited for the new series! It show the Doctor is still leading a really hectic busy life and doing what he always does. This is a direct contrast to Amy and Rory who are listening to the message and look like they're just being a normal couple, which seems weird that they're listening to an alien from outer space. Its a really quick episode so I had to watch it a few times to really appreciate it and I hope the others are longer otherwise it wont give enough time to develop a proper storyline.

Apparently the last episode is meant to be a cliffhanger leading into episode one Asylum of the Daleks. I can't wait for the new series as I have pointed out on my post about series 7. I think pond Life is going to lead into it really nicely.

You can watch Pond life on the BBC website.

Thanks for reading :) x


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