Friday 17 August 2012

Grave Encounters

Firstly I'm going to say, if you like gory films (Saw/Braindead etc) then you might not find this film that scary. It creates horror by tension and atmosphere, which I personally find scarier that someone getting their head ripped off.

The basic plot of the film isn't original at all. Abandoned old mental hospital, ghost hunting documentry, crew spend the night their, finding out that ghosts exist and even a creepy care taker! That kind of film has been made hundreds of times before, but it manages to create tension and suspense which make it really scary to watch. The films filmed video recorded style, which means that you only see what the characters in the film can see, creating more dramatic moments than if you could see the ghosts and demons creeping up on them.

The actors in the film did an impressive job in my opinion of creating tension and you actually felt sorry for them and wanted them to escape. The characters were developed throughout the film, you found out who was the wimp, who was the hero etc, which I wasn't certain about at the beginning.

Personally I think that its a really great horror film, and seeing as I'm not a fan of horror films, and I had to switch it off half way through and watch the rest later, I'm not really the best person to judge. But if you want to watch a film that will scare you, then I'd definitely recommend grave encounters.

Before you watch it i recommend that you watch the trailor as it gives a good idea of whether you'll enjoy the film.

 :) x

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