Wednesday 15 August 2012

Olivia Penpraze

Fairly pointless rant coming up now,

Today I was scrolling through my dash on tumblr as usual and a picture of a girl called Olivia Penpraze appeared. The text underneath explained how she had been coping with depression, cyber bullying, bullying, self hate and lonleyness and had been talking about her thoughts and feeling on her tumblr blog. She explained how she wanted to kill herself and mentioned her countless suicide attempts. The story really hit home when it mentioned that she had people she knew were following her on Tumblr and they knew about her depression yet didnt alert her family. When her family finally found out about the account they saw anon messaged telling her to kill herself and telling her how useless she was. She had also made a YouTube account and made video's with her thoughts on card, which seems like another hopeless cry for help. On Thursday 29th March  she attempted suicide and Tuesday 3rd April her life support machine was switched off.

The story really upset me as ive come across blogs on tumblr, full on negative, triggering pictures and its really hit home how someone could actually hate themselves that much and that maybe them posting pictures online to complete strangers is their way of asking if their is someone, somewhere who will give them some comfort and reassurance and tell them that everything is going to be ok.

I think that people need to stop being so selfish and cruel and hating on someone for a 'laugh' this is a real human being, someone's sister or brother, someone who could actually be somebody some day and make a difference. A laugh with your mates for 10 minutes can affect someone for their whole life and you've gotta ask yourself what kind of person are you?

People just need to think before they judge someone else.
(I'll post a link to her final YouTube video below)

:) X

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