Friday 24 August 2012

Doctor Who series 7 trailer released!

Seeing as the new series of Doctor Who (series 7) will be on this Autumn, I thought I'd have a look at what will be happening this series.

As the Doctor Who trailer for BBC America was released on Wednesday it reminded me that I haven't posted about the series 7 trailer for the BBC or anything about Doctor Who. It's said to premiere on 1st September and is five episodes long. Which I think is a bit of a disappointment seeing as its been so long since the last series. They seem to be getting shorter and shorter, I remember when there always used to be about 13 episodes in a series. I don't know why they are filming less but i think it gives less time for a story to develop throughout the series.

Hopefully there will be a lot of new monsters The weeping angels are definitely back as well as more Daleks, there's also an episode (the second one I think) that is about a spaceship full of dinosaurs?  I really can't wait for the Angels to come back as every episodes they're in is always amazing. Also there is the departure of Amy and Rory, I really love Rory but Amy irretates me slightly so I don't really care about her leaving. Apparently River Song is returning, who I cant stand, so I hope she doesn't stay in it for long.

The trailer looks amazing! The one I'll link is the one that's shown on the BBC. It shows that the doctor travels back to America again, which I think they keep doing to appeal to the American audience, which is annoying as I'd rather watch an episode where they travel to outer space or another planet.

I really hope they improve the scripts this time, I was watching one of the old episodes yesterday with Billie Piper and David Tennant and it was absolutely amazing! I still love the new episodes with Matt Smith but I feel like the story lines have really gone downhill and they try and put to many plot twists into the episodes instead of leaving them nice and simple, the Doctor, his companion and the Tardis, instead of adding loads of extra characters like they do now.

This is the trailer for series 7.

Thanks for reading and I'll probably be writing about every episode of Doctor Who when they come out:) x

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