Thursday 30 August 2012

Pond Life part 3, Doctor Who mini series.

I meant to write about Pond Life part 3 yesterday but I didn't have time, I'll write about it now and write about part 4 later.

Part 3 is set in June, a month after part 2 and starts off with Rory walking along his hall to use the bathroom, a very normal thing to do. As he enters the room he gives a surprised noise and walks out again, he then double checks what he see's as if he can't quite believe his eyes, then as Amy arrives he doesn't let her past, but Amy being Amy just looks anyway to find an Ood sitting on their toilet. Once again showing that they ain't a normal married couple.

This episode was less than a minute just like the others, and even though the Doctor wasn't in it you could still tell that they couldnt live their normal life anymore, seeing as their was an alien in their bathroom. I liked this episode as it showed that Amy was the bossy one of the couple and I think it will lead nicely to the next one.

This is only a short post but it wasn't a very eventful episode and hopefully the next one will explain more.

Thanks for reading :) x

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