Friday 31 August 2012

Pond Life part 5, Doctor Who mini series.

The final  Pond Life part 5 was on to today, I'd been looking forward to this one all week as it thought it would lead onto the new series and maybe explain about why Rory and Amy went back travelling with the Doctor again, and also it is absolutely crazy how they managed to make such an amazing little episode with so much story in it in just one minute and thirty three seconds.

It starts out with the Doctor making a phone call to the Ponds, just like normal, this time in August, 5 months after the first phone call we see, when the Ponds where a happily married couple. The Doctor starts the phone call talking about his latest adventures, how he has dropped the Ood back home, riding a horse through 11th century Coventry and inventing pasta, typical Doctor stuff. He then tells them he has popped round but they where out, you can see this bothers him slightly and he's worried about the Ponds. You then see a clip of them arguing. I saw a gif on Tumbr the other day of the Ponds talking about divorce and I didn't think it could be true. You see what looks like Amy throwing Rory out. The Doctor then deletes the message and Amy comes home and prays for the Doctors help.

I thought think its a great episode and actually suprisingly emotional seeing as its a TV series, shows how attached im getting to Rory and Amy. Also it really does lead nicely into the new series. I'm guessing Rory and Amy go back travelling with the Doctor to repair their marriage? That's probably the main reason for Pond life so there's some build up to this story line. The Doctor will be able to repair there marriage, its just going to be interesting to see how the Doctor manages a normal human problem like this rather than some alien trying to kill him.

I also think its going to be interesting to see why Rory and Amy's marriage isn't working and whether it could be related to the Doctor. If after travelling through all of space and time they where getting bored with of normal domestic life and this has something to with them breaking up?

I can't wait for tomorrow's episode and will definitely be talking about it tomorrow! Thanks for reading:) x

Thursday 30 August 2012

Pond Life part 4, Doctor Who mini series

This is nearly the last episode of the mini series Pond Life, so I'm guessing that everyone is wondering what the conclusion will be but also wondering why there is an Ood living in the Pond house... hopefully this episode will clear it up.

In part 4 you find out that the Ood belongs to the Doctor, who was giving him a lift back to his planet or something, which isn't surprising of the Doctor to be honest. The Doctor doesn't explain how the Ood got from the Tardis to the Ponds bathroom but then again the Doctor never does explain everything.  In the episode the Ood ends up helping the Ponds day to day life, making their beds, their breakfast, putting out the washing, Rory's lunchbox, and all the other things you expect and alien to do when it comes to visit. Basically becoming their free alien butler.

The Doctor then says that he'll come and pick the Ood up. Seeing as Oods are fairly boring aliens as far as Doctor Who aliens go (apart from the occasional episodes where they turn evil, which there seems to have been a fair few Doctor Who episodes about) I doubt this Ood is going to play a starring role in the next series and is probably just in the Pond life episodes.

I really like this episode. It was slightly longer than any other so far which gave the story more time to develop. Also it was strange seeing a common Doctor Who monster in a normal, human environment rather than in a spaceship 100's of years in the future. It also one again showed that Rory and Amy are struggling to leave the Doctor/ time travelling days behind them. Maybe they don't want to? Its all clues as to why they go back travelling with him, and maybe see what will be happening in the new series.

Seeing as this  is the second to last episode, it will hopefully lead in nicely to the new series, and maybe explain the reason why Rory and Amy go back travelling with the Doctor. Pond Life is definitely doing its job of reminding me of the characters and making me look forward more to the new series!

I didn't intent to do a Pond Life post everyday but as I seem to have been doing that I'll do one tomorrow night and the review the Doctor Who episode on Saturday night or Sunday night depending on whether I have time.

Thanks for reading :) x

Pond Life part 3, Doctor Who mini series.

I meant to write about Pond Life part 3 yesterday but I didn't have time, I'll write about it now and write about part 4 later.

Part 3 is set in June, a month after part 2 and starts off with Rory walking along his hall to use the bathroom, a very normal thing to do. As he enters the room he gives a surprised noise and walks out again, he then double checks what he see's as if he can't quite believe his eyes, then as Amy arrives he doesn't let her past, but Amy being Amy just looks anyway to find an Ood sitting on their toilet. Once again showing that they ain't a normal married couple.

This episode was less than a minute just like the others, and even though the Doctor wasn't in it you could still tell that they couldnt live their normal life anymore, seeing as their was an alien in their bathroom. I liked this episode as it showed that Amy was the bossy one of the couple and I think it will lead nicely to the next one.

This is only a short post but it wasn't a very eventful episode and hopefully the next one will explain more.

Thanks for reading :) x

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Pond Life part 2, Doctor Who mini series.

As a massive Doctor Who fan, i've decided to talk about the new mini series Pond Life every weeknight this week, but as i have been busy all day i've only had chance to talk about the new episode now, Pond Life part 2 was longer than the first episode, as I wanted it to be, but only by another 10+ seconds so im still dissapoointed, guessing that the other 3 are going to be this length so i'm best not getting my hopes up.

Once again like in the first episode it shows the Doctor interuppting Rory and Amy's day to day life. This episode is meant to take place a month after the last one, this time in May, so it shows his visits are very random as the Doctors always are. As they're sleeping he bursts into the room talking about the end of the planet. he then tells then he's arrived at the wrong time, he then hints about future events by showing what I guess is clips from the new series of explosions and dinosaurs and Rory and Amy. Then after worrying them about all of this he leaves as quickly as he came, leaving rory and Amy and the noise of the tardis in the background.

I like this episode of Pond Life. It hints at future adventure and the Doctor butting in when Amy and Rory are trying to enjoy their married life. This has made me look forward to the new series even more!

Sorry this blogs only short I was writing it in a rush. I'll write a longer one tomorrow.
Thanks for reading:)x

Monday 27 August 2012

The Doctor Who mini series, Pond Life.

The new series of Doctor Who starts this weekend and there is going to be a mini series on the web called Pond Life every night this week so obviously I really couldn't wait to watch it.  But I was expecting it to last more than 55 seconds...

Anyway the point of Pond Life is so that the audience can take a look at Rory and Amy's life whilst they're not in the Tardis and how they adjust to normal life, the idea that they're trying to have a nice, normal married life and the Doctor keeps trying to show them all of space and time, which is probably quite tempting. I think Pond Life is a really good idea. If you are a fan of Doctor Who but don't watch repeats of the episodes then it can remind you of the characters and can make you look forward to the new series. Also if you are a fan like me who re watches repeats all the time then its an extra new Doctor Who episodes and you cant get better than that.

The first mini episode is the Doctor talking to the ponds in what sounds like a recorded message (later you find out its a voice call) and he seems to be with what looks like the Sontarans at the start showing that he is still fighting aliens on his own. Even the mini episode is funny and it reminds you how mad the Doctor really is. The shot of him back in the Tardis which makes me really excited for the new series! It show the Doctor is still leading a really hectic busy life and doing what he always does. This is a direct contrast to Amy and Rory who are listening to the message and look like they're just being a normal couple, which seems weird that they're listening to an alien from outer space. Its a really quick episode so I had to watch it a few times to really appreciate it and I hope the others are longer otherwise it wont give enough time to develop a proper storyline.

Apparently the last episode is meant to be a cliffhanger leading into episode one Asylum of the Daleks. I can't wait for the new series as I have pointed out on my post about series 7. I think pond Life is going to lead into it really nicely.

You can watch Pond life on the BBC website.

Thanks for reading :) x


Saturday 25 August 2012

Matt Tucks new Side Project 'AxeWound'.

Matt Tucks new Side Project AxeWound are set to release an their debut album 'Vultures'.

When I first heard that Matt Tuck was forming another band as a side project with Liam Cormier of Cancer Bats and members Glamour of the Kill, Rise to Remain and Pitchshifter I thought I'd give them a listen. I used to be a massive BFMV fan I really like Rise to Remain. AxeWound released there first single of the album 'Post Apocalyptic Party' in May and their second single 'Cold' at the end of May. I have only listened to them both recently when I saw an article with Matt Tuck talking about AxeWound so I thought I'd say what i think of them.

I thought that the first 30 seconds of 'Post Apocalyptic Party' was amazing and I started to think that maybe this 'supergroup' can live up to there expectations. But, as soon as the vocals started I changed my mind slightly. I do like heavy music but I think that the vocals on the particular track seem to clash with the amazing music that's going on in the background and spoil it slightly, I'd rather just listen to the track without any vocals, not because I don't like Liam Cormier's voice, but because the guitars and drums are so amazing that it puts his voice into shame. But then again, there is no denying that this is definitely a supergroup. About half way through the song the vocals go more softer and I think that it improves the song overall. I'd say that it was still a pretty good song, I just expected more from them.

I actually quite like 'Cold' to be honest. I don't really listen to that much heavy music anymore but I thought it stood out quite a lot from other metal music. I think the drums in this particular song are amazing! But I think that the lyrics are a bit simple and boring and typical 'metal', but then again, that's something that Matt Tuck wanted AxeWound to include. Matt and Liam both did an equal amount of the vocals for this track with improved it because it wasn't screamo all the way through. I liked this song much more than 'Post Apocalyptic Party' and I hope that the rest of their songs are more like 'Cold'.  You can listen to both the tracks on You Tube now.

They are set to release there debut album in October 2012, and its going to include a track with Synyster Gates from Avenged Sevenfold who is an absolutely brilliant guitarist, so I can't wait for that. I'm not sure if I'm that keen on AxeWound yet, when there new album is released I'll probably give them another listen.

Anyway, thanks for reading:)x

Friday 24 August 2012

Doctor Who series 7 trailer released!

Seeing as the new series of Doctor Who (series 7) will be on this Autumn, I thought I'd have a look at what will be happening this series.

As the Doctor Who trailer for BBC America was released on Wednesday it reminded me that I haven't posted about the series 7 trailer for the BBC or anything about Doctor Who. It's said to premiere on 1st September and is five episodes long. Which I think is a bit of a disappointment seeing as its been so long since the last series. They seem to be getting shorter and shorter, I remember when there always used to be about 13 episodes in a series. I don't know why they are filming less but i think it gives less time for a story to develop throughout the series.

Hopefully there will be a lot of new monsters The weeping angels are definitely back as well as more Daleks, there's also an episode (the second one I think) that is about a spaceship full of dinosaurs?  I really can't wait for the Angels to come back as every episodes they're in is always amazing. Also there is the departure of Amy and Rory, I really love Rory but Amy irretates me slightly so I don't really care about her leaving. Apparently River Song is returning, who I cant stand, so I hope she doesn't stay in it for long.

The trailer looks amazing! The one I'll link is the one that's shown on the BBC. It shows that the doctor travels back to America again, which I think they keep doing to appeal to the American audience, which is annoying as I'd rather watch an episode where they travel to outer space or another planet.

I really hope they improve the scripts this time, I was watching one of the old episodes yesterday with Billie Piper and David Tennant and it was absolutely amazing! I still love the new episodes with Matt Smith but I feel like the story lines have really gone downhill and they try and put to many plot twists into the episodes instead of leaving them nice and simple, the Doctor, his companion and the Tardis, instead of adding loads of extra characters like they do now.

This is the trailer for series 7.

Thanks for reading and I'll probably be writing about every episode of Doctor Who when they come out:) x

Thursday 23 August 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

The Dark knight rises is the end of the trilogy of the batman films, Batman begins, The Dark knight and the Dark knight rises, so obviously it had to be amazing to finish the films. If you love the batman films then you wont mind it being three hours long. I thought it gave the films plot more chance to develop and for you to get to know the characters more. I thought that it was absolutely AMAZING. You really needed to see the other two films to understand the plot and because I hadn't watched them in a while I was a bit confused as to what was happening at some points but I still really enjoyed it.

Christian Bale was still plays Bruce Wayne but he's retired as Batman in the begining of the film. The Dark knight rises is set eight years after the last film. I think all of the camera work, acting, script, everything was amazing! The film has a massive twist in it which I didn't see coming at all and shocked me loads which made the film even better. All of the story built up to the last half hour and you couldn't look away from the screen. I think that the ending was absolutely amazing and a really good way to end the trilogy.

At the end of the films it hints at there being another film with some of the characters from this film but I don't want to give the story away. I think this is great because i'd love to see more batman films.

I think this film is great and if you're a fan of batman or action films then you definitely need to watch it.

Its definialty one of the best film i've seen all year!

:) x

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Carcer City and Above the Underground

Lately I've been listening to a lot of less famous bands and musicians on You Tube. I really think that even though they haven't got the most experience and the best music video's, which comes across in their music its always full of passion and you can tell they really love what they're doing. I think its so inspirational when band members but everything they have into their band, all their money, all their time, and it really comes across in their music just so they can get their music heard.

People need to listen more to up coming new bands instead of all the mainstream pop stuff as it gives musicians more chance to get their music heard. Carcer City and Above the Underground are two amazing bands which don't get as much attention as they should get, people really need to listen to them.

I recently read online that Nicki Minaj is going to judge the new American Idol. Its people like her judging the next generation of talent is the reason that theirs just going to be more people like her getting all of the fame and attention just because they sing meaningless songs which are catchy, just for the money.

It just annoys me that X-Factor winners, some who have never put anything into getting where they got, get the fame because they won a competition, rather than someone who has played 100's of show and given all there time to their music.

This is just my opinion on it but thanks for reading :) x

Monday 20 August 2012

Resident Evil Retribution is out soon!

Resident Evil Retribution is going to be released at the end of September!

I was looking at new films coming out this year and I remembered that the fifth resident evil film is going to come out this year. I went to look when and I can't believe its only next month!

I think the Resident Evil films are amazing, they're horror films with a proper story line and really good characters. I absolutely loved the first two films, but I didn't think the first two where as good. If you haven't seen any of them you really need to whether you like horror films or not!

Seeing as this will be the last film made I'm guessing that its where Alice (Mila Jovovich) finally manages to stop the TVirus or brings down the Umbrella corporation, which I cant wait to watch! I think Mila Jovovich is an amazing actress. I really think the films have gone worse since the first two but hopefully the final one will end the story well.

I really can't wait for it!

:) x

Sunday 19 August 2012

Muse's new track Unsustainable

Muse's new track Unsustainable

Not saying I'm a big muse fan or anything but their new track unsustainable is pretty good. s starts of like any other Muse song then turns into some pretty music clearly influenced by dubstep different to their other stuff. But you can tell its Muse as you can hear a few vocals in the background. Like I said I'm not a big Muse fan but this is completely different to anything Ive heard them do before! I think that its a really good change in direction for them as I found some of their old stuff quite boring and not really having an meaning to them .

You can really chill out to this new track, but its not very individual and it doesn't really stand out from anything else which was one of the things that Muse had going for them. I hope that all there new tracks on their new album are similar, but I doubt many Muse fans do if they wanted more stuff like their old songs.

:) x

Saturday 18 August 2012

Ice Age 4 - Continental Drift

When they announced that an Ice Age 2 would be released in 2006, i dint expect it t live up to the first film, but it proved me wrong and so did the forth. I watched the film in cinema, which i think improves any film, but it was really good.

Its still starring the voices of Ray Romano (Manny), John Leguizamo (Sid) and Denis Leary ( Diego) as the previous 3 did, and this time its starring some other famous voices such as Nick Frost, Simon Pegg, Nicki Minaj and Jennifer Lopez.

The plot of Ice Age 4 is fairly similar to Ice Age 2 in someways. there's another natural disaster (caused by Scrat) and the animals have to find their way to safety, but,  Manny, Diego and Sid are separated from Ellie and Peaches and must find their way back to them. My favourite character in the film is Sids Granny (voiced by Wanda Sykes) who was left with Sid as his family described her a 'dead weight'. I think shes a lovable and hilarious!

As usual it features Scrat. There's a whole load of new characters including all the pirates, and Diego finally meets his match in the female Sabre-toothed tiger, Shira (voiced by Jennifer Lopez) which I think is a great. I think this is a hilarious film, and my 6 year old brother who I watched the film with really enjoyed it to. If you enjoyed the other 3, then you definitely need to watch it!

There's quite a few trailers to watch but this is the one that gives the best view of what the film will be like but you can search for the others on YouTube.

:) x

Friday 17 August 2012

The Midnight Beast TV series

The Midnight Beast

When I saw on twitter that the Midnight Beast were making a TV series I couldn't control my excitement, only to be extremely disappointed in show. There didn't seem to be a plot, the purpose of the program seemed to be make a scenario that there old songs from YouTube could fit in with and they'd make a fancy new video for them. I also think that however amazing Stefan, Dru and Ash are, they haven't got a natural talent when it comes to acting....

Seeing as I have followed them on YouTube for a quite a while and I'm going to watch them in October I felt I should watch all the episodes and sadly they really didn't improve.

All I'm saying is Midnight Beast, if you're making a second series, please can you come up with some originality?

:) x

Grave Encounters

Firstly I'm going to say, if you like gory films (Saw/Braindead etc) then you might not find this film that scary. It creates horror by tension and atmosphere, which I personally find scarier that someone getting their head ripped off.

The basic plot of the film isn't original at all. Abandoned old mental hospital, ghost hunting documentry, crew spend the night their, finding out that ghosts exist and even a creepy care taker! That kind of film has been made hundreds of times before, but it manages to create tension and suspense which make it really scary to watch. The films filmed video recorded style, which means that you only see what the characters in the film can see, creating more dramatic moments than if you could see the ghosts and demons creeping up on them.

The actors in the film did an impressive job in my opinion of creating tension and you actually felt sorry for them and wanted them to escape. The characters were developed throughout the film, you found out who was the wimp, who was the hero etc, which I wasn't certain about at the beginning.

Personally I think that its a really great horror film, and seeing as I'm not a fan of horror films, and I had to switch it off half way through and watch the rest later, I'm not really the best person to judge. But if you want to watch a film that will scare you, then I'd definitely recommend grave encounters.

Before you watch it i recommend that you watch the trailor as it gives a good idea of whether you'll enjoy the film.

 :) x

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Olivia Penpraze

Fairly pointless rant coming up now,

Today I was scrolling through my dash on tumblr as usual and a picture of a girl called Olivia Penpraze appeared. The text underneath explained how she had been coping with depression, cyber bullying, bullying, self hate and lonleyness and had been talking about her thoughts and feeling on her tumblr blog. She explained how she wanted to kill herself and mentioned her countless suicide attempts. The story really hit home when it mentioned that she had people she knew were following her on Tumblr and they knew about her depression yet didnt alert her family. When her family finally found out about the account they saw anon messaged telling her to kill herself and telling her how useless she was. She had also made a YouTube account and made video's with her thoughts on card, which seems like another hopeless cry for help. On Thursday 29th March  she attempted suicide and Tuesday 3rd April her life support machine was switched off.

The story really upset me as ive come across blogs on tumblr, full on negative, triggering pictures and its really hit home how someone could actually hate themselves that much and that maybe them posting pictures online to complete strangers is their way of asking if their is someone, somewhere who will give them some comfort and reassurance and tell them that everything is going to be ok.

I think that people need to stop being so selfish and cruel and hating on someone for a 'laugh' this is a real human being, someone's sister or brother, someone who could actually be somebody some day and make a difference. A laugh with your mates for 10 minutes can affect someone for their whole life and you've gotta ask yourself what kind of person are you?

People just need to think before they judge someone else.
(I'll post a link to her final YouTube video below)

:) X